This site is dedicated to book reviews on previously released and soon to be released LGBTQ fiction. I cover not only mainstream publishers but independent, self-publishing, mashups and fan fiction. May even try my hand at interviews with all those wonderful authors... we shall see.
From time to time I will review movies and musicians who are part of our Rainbow community or supporters. Believe it or not, there are quite a few musicians out there who have written books...who would've thought.
My Objective is to not only offer insight for future readers, but help promote the works of the authors, artists and the publishers. Not a page for lessons in the proper usage of grammar, punctuation and what have you. Like I mentioned before, my editing skills need improvement and I am striving in this endeavor.
To those of you whose OCD won't allow you to get past a missing period or misspelling, etc... there are other sites to vent your angst. Suffering with OCD myself-in my case, not focused in this particular area- I can relate to the condition and how it can drive you to the point of insanity.
However, on the rare occasion I point some of these issues out in my reviews, solely for the purpose to inform you I am reviewing an uncorrected proof and by no means reflects the finished title.
NOTE: These reviews are strictly my opinion and you know what they say about those... Anyway, they are not gospel by any means. I write what I think about the story and what I perceived from the work. NOR am I compensated for giving a review.
I hold no copyright to any book, album or movie images I display, unless it is my own work. Images and content are displayed with the intent of promoting the work of the creators. I take no credit or monetary funds for their work.
From time to time I will review movies and musicians who are part of our Rainbow community or supporters. Believe it or not, there are quite a few musicians out there who have written books...who would've thought.
My Objective is to not only offer insight for future readers, but help promote the works of the authors, artists and the publishers. Not a page for lessons in the proper usage of grammar, punctuation and what have you. Like I mentioned before, my editing skills need improvement and I am striving in this endeavor.
To those of you whose OCD won't allow you to get past a missing period or misspelling, etc... there are other sites to vent your angst. Suffering with OCD myself-in my case, not focused in this particular area- I can relate to the condition and how it can drive you to the point of insanity.
However, on the rare occasion I point some of these issues out in my reviews, solely for the purpose to inform you I am reviewing an uncorrected proof and by no means reflects the finished title.
NOTE: These reviews are strictly my opinion and you know what they say about those... Anyway, they are not gospel by any means. I write what I think about the story and what I perceived from the work. NOR am I compensated for giving a review.
I hold no copyright to any book, album or movie images I display, unless it is my own work. Images and content are displayed with the intent of promoting the work of the creators. I take no credit or monetary funds for their work.
Constructive Critiques are most welcomed, concerning the books and yes my faithful viewers, even about my reviews and blog site. Being how this is the first blog I have created, I'm certain there will be mistakes and will gladly accept any advise and tips you can shoot my way to help get it running smoothly. Always open to new learning experiences.
This being said, I will not tolerate any demeaning comments or profanity about the books, authors, artists and publishers. If you don't like a particular work or author doesn't mean others don't, there are appropriate ways to convey your opinion. I ask you to respect the authors and the sacrifices endured to create a piece of work for your enjoyment. Below is a short and I do mean short list of some of the anguish a writer experiences: 1. Time away from friends and family- There are no set hours for a writer, not from lack of trying. Once inspiration strikes and this can be at anytime, a romantic dinner, the movies have to put pen to paper, so to speak, even if to simply take notes or risk losing the story completely. 2. Sleepless nights- Insomnia, a condition most if not all writers suffer. A writer in story mode will not realize how long it's been since they slept. So caught up in a writing frenzy they will keep at it until they pass out from exhaustion. I cannot count the times I have awakened with keyboard impressions on the side of my face. 3. Headaches- While this can be added to either one of the above, I wanted to make a little note of it here. Headaches are a common occurrence, whether it be from countless hours of writing, research or the voices of the characters clamoring for control. They simply are a fact of life for a writer, at least from my experience. 4. Research- 'Write what you know' is the golden rule taught to writers and while it does apply you find there are a number of things you don't know, even when you thought you did. Research can either be the bane or the foreplay to a writer, but either way, it's a necessity for a believable story. 5. Nightmare Editing- Believe it or not some writers love this part almost as much as writing the story. More power to them, I am not one. Frustrating, time consuming, I usually end up butchering my manuscript and walking away for months at a time. I don't know about other writers, but this tends to make me pretty grouchy, ask my family. Why not get an editor? Because I can't afford one at this point in time. Open to any suggestions...please. Maybe one day. Until then, I will keep pounding away, eventually I'll get it right. I merely wish to point out, it may not be a 9-5 job, but still work and like a job, it takes a toll. |
My main goal is to make this more than a review blog, quite a number of those already. I wish to enhance it with interviews from author/artists and publishers. Throw in a contest from time to time for fun, maybe win a book, have to get back to you on this.
Future goals obviously. First I must master the fundamentals of putting this blog together, adding elements and what have you. Daunting, to me anyway. Please be patient, I am tearing myself away from my writing to make this a down to earth, fun, informative blog. -JL. LOWERY |